Monday, November 8, 2010

So here's the problem...

Have you ever had one of those days where everything you touch turns to crap??? Well, let me tell you it doesn't do one's self esteem any good:( Today was the first day of my "no graphic design work". So what happened you ask? I woke up miserable, stayed miserable, screwed up everything I touched, and at least 3 of my loyal customers asked me to do big projects for them. Not to mention my bids from a week ago for work were accepted. Is the universe trying to tell me something? I want to be a good mama but designing is my creative outlet (since my 10 yr. jewelry empire came to a halt), and I don't want to paint old furniture!! lol

FYI, my son still didn't follow my orders, do his homework correctly, or progress beyond any former laziness w/my lack of work today. My other son completely ignored me because he's going through a girls and all Daddy all day period now.

That's my sad story and I'm sticking to it!

Thanks for reading,

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